Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wetland? Really?

Slight Oops from my previous post. The cost estimate for our plans was ready within a few days. The actual plans will take about 7-10 days following our first payment, so about a week from now.

We've been doing some legwork on the land we want. It ticks all our priority boxes and is very close to town. However, it's WAY overpriced. We put in a low-ball offer last fall, which was rejected. Our offer was generous in comparison  with its tax value and other local sales, but way below the asking price. Apparently the owner wants to maximize his profit (don't we all?) Price has since come down by $10K, but is still over priced. While we wait for him/them to come to their senses,  I am looking closer at the details and legalities of MN wetland and building restrictions, in regards to this property in particular, but also for the knowledge in general to apply to any other properties we might consider. 

I learned that the large "puddle" in the woods is marked as a wetland, and a setback from another nearby property affects the possible home locations on this property.  These details together mean the house would have to go further back into the woods than Sid wants, but it's my preferred location. He's the one that has to clear the long driveway, though. On the advice of a friend who has done a lot of land investment, I went over to the local Soil and Water District office today to ask some questions about "wetland mitigation" which is a fancy way of discussing "filling in the low spots". The pertinent person is out sick this week though, so that's on hold for a few days.

Spring is coming, and I SO want to have ducks lined up and ready for a build this summer. I feel like things move slooooowlyy, and I'm impatient.

UPDATE: Short answer- yes it probably counts as a wetland but would have to be checked in person to make sure. No, we can't fill it if it is. In addition, there is a setback from an abandoned building on an adjoining piece of land that also affects the building locations. Really only one good place to build, a site I like and Sid doesn't. So, not pursuing this further at this time, but not totally off the table yet either.

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