We hoped that once the floors were done, the walls would quickly follow. We thought they were only waiting for the power to go in, as it's hard to use power tools with no power. The power went in last week, and on Monday this week I texted Troy for an update. Bad news. The trusses that were ordered in April, due for delivery in Sept, will not be here until the first week in Nov. ARGHHH! SO TIRED of stupid delays!
Small task #1 completed this week was the planting of a few maple trees. We have many maples already in our woods, but they are yellow or orangey-red in the fall. We love the scarlet maples currently in our front yard, and maples readily sprout up all over the yard every spring, so we designated a few for transplant. They had been growing for a couple years so were decent size for transplanting. The white tubes seen below are "tree tubes". They act like mini greenhouses for the trees, giving faster growth to a taller height. They also protect from animal damage. Each tube is perforated down the side so when the tree gets too thick the tube will split and release itself.Small task #3- Pulling buckthorn all summer means a huge pile of brush. There was a burning ban all summer due to the drought, but that has finally been lifted. Last Saturday we finally burned it all. Wanda and Bill, and Maggie, joined us for the evening, and the boys arrived later to keep watch until it cooled below the danger point.