Friday, November 19, 2021

And the House Grows

 Since I didn't post last week, this starts out with the house progress that preceded the workshop completion. 

The temporary stairs went in to access the loft, and the stairs for the garage attic. 

All the extra bracing in random spots makes it interesting to navigate through the space, but if the wind comes up, we'll be glad it's there!

Virginia brought the kids out to check on our progress, and they put some wood scraps to good use. I have since collected a tub full of nice-size pieces that will be sanded and sealed to add to the box of building blocks. One can never have too many building blocks, and our current collection is lacking in the larger sizes. 

This is our pile of roof trusses. This is what held us up for *7* months! 

The upstairs walls framed! 

My sewing room!

The library.

Guest room and bath. 

At this point, work shifted to the workshop trusses and roofing. Today, a week later, they started on the house trusses. First up was the central portion. 

Sid and I were out there early today to pick up the trailer so we could go pick up the new fridge. On clearance, and Menards was running their 11% rebate, so we bought it early. It can sit in the garage for a few months. This is the one appliance that we wanted a specific model, so we grabbed it at the best possible price. All other kitchen appliances will be whatever is in stock at a clearance house. 

When we returned to park the trailer, the house was at this point. All loft rafters in place, and setting the last one over the living room. 

We stuck around and watched them start the trusses over the garage. First they had to move the whole stack to the other end of the yard. 

We watched until they had about 6 trusses in place. It was getting cold, and once you see the process, the excitement was limited. The square space in the middle will be the storage attic.

Sid found a comfy seat out of the wind to watch the work. 

With trusses- the living and dining rooms. This is going to be a tall space! 

Sewing room. 

Looking from the library upstairs to the living room below.

This will be the view out the two-story windows. Minus the truck and the dirt pile. 

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